WX4NHC Online Hurricane Weather Report Submission

Timestamp: 2020-12-05 17:45:56 -0500
Event: 2020 NHC Comm Test
Received Via: VOIP NET
Reporting Weather Volunteer Observer: KB1KQW
Email: kb1kqw@nsradio.org

Observed (mo/day/year): NOV/16/2020

Observation time: UTC; AM Atlantic
Reported By:
Contact number:
Geographic Location of Observation:

Latitude: ; Longitude:

Wind Measurements: Measured
Sustained Wind Speed: MPH
Gust Speed: MPH
Wind Direction: N degrees

Barometric Pressure: MILLIBARS

Measured Rainfall: INCHES

Comments: KC2ZFN (Text-box only) KC2JOD KO4DGD ----------------------- SRD with a major winter storm...definitely fits the 2020 theme quite well. I just hope we can still get to Pat O'Briens in 2021 :-D