WX4NHC Online Hurricane Weather Report Submission

Timestamp: 2022-09-30 07:07:24 -0500
Event: Ian
Received Via: VOIP NET
Reporting Weather Volunteer Observer: Rob-KD1CY
Email: rmacedo@rcn.com

Observed (mo/day/year): SEP/30/2022

Observation time: 1105 UTC; 0705 AM Eastern
Reported By:
Contact number:
Geographic Location of Observation:

Folly Point, South Carolina
Latitude: ; Longitude:

Wind Measurements: Measured
Sustained Wind Speed: 38 MPH
Gust Speed: 55 MPH
Wind Direction: NNW degrees

Barometric Pressure: 29.51 INCHES

Measured Rainfall: NA INCHES

Comments: Davis Weather Station link: https://www.weatherlink.com/bulletin/f6abb1c6-1509-4ab3-8052-a2353642d2c1 Numerous roads closed due to flooding in Charleston South Carolina. The following is the list of closures: https://gis.charleston-sc.gov/road-closures-regional/