WX4NHC Online Hurricane Weather Report Submission

Timestamp: 2020-09-15 22:20:56 -0500
Event: Sally
Received Via: VOIP NET
Reporting Weather Volunteer Observer: Rob-KD1CY
Email: rmacedo@rcn.com

Observed (mo/day/year): SEP/15/2020

Observation time: 0219 UTC; 1019 PM Eastern
Reported By: KC8TCQ Keith
Contact number:
Geographic Location of Observation:

Latitude: ; Longitude:

Wind Measurements: Measured
Sustained Wind Speed: MPH
Gust Speed: MPH
Wind Direction: N degrees

Barometric Pressure: MILLIBARS

Measured Rainfall: INCHES

Comments: Relayed report via social media: BeReadyEscambia @bereadyescambia A significant water main break has occurred on Pensacola Beach. Crews are unable to respond due to current storm conditions. ECUA will have to shut off the water system at approx. 11:00 pm tonight. Residents who are still on Pensacola Beach are urged to store water if possible.